Friday, October 2, 2009

Crazy Duck Ride!

On the first weekend of September (Labor Day Weekend) my friend Amanda and I went on a little vacation. It was a girl's only trip and our destination was the Mall of America in Minnesota. We did make it to the Mall of America, and in fact, we had a great time. But before we hit the state of Minnesota, we stopped in Wisconsin. I had been to the Dells as a kid with my family, but Amanda had never been before. Our mission was simple; stop in the Dells for a quick lunch break, and then continue on. Yeah....

Our quick lunch break turned into a 6 hour afternoon in the Dells, where Amanda and I got on one of the famous Wisconsin Dells Duck Rides. Maybe it was the tour guide who drove our poor "duck" about 50 mph around steep curves and over hills...or maybe it was the fact that he hit the gas pedal and we dove straight into the water, soaking only ME, but Amanda and I laughed hysterically while we toured the Dells.

If (and when) Amanda see's this, she will not be happy with the picture I posted of her...but I couldn't resist. Her face explains it all. We have decided that we must take a trip back to the Dells...and we'll bring the guys this time. :)
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1 comment:

  1. Yes that picture is horrible!!! haha. But we did have a fabulous time! huh?!!?
